YOU can make a big difference in your community and around the world.
Food deserts are communities that lack fresh fruit, vegetables, and other healthy whole foods. This comes from a shortage of quality grocery stores, farmer’s markets, and quality food providers. Many people who live in food deserts don’t have a choice because they don’t have the resources to get fresh food. That’s why it’s so important to transform food deserts into thriving gardens
If you’re passionate about this issue, begin your own community garden. We’ll help you cultivate the tools to nourish your community. Also, get local markets to donate produce to the community. Remember, every little bit helps. The seeds we plant now can improve the quality of one’s life for years to come.
Your donation helps us feed more mouths every day and expand our reach. It helps us plant more crops and trees to better serve the under served, disseminate information, and reach more people locally, nationally, and globally. Together, we can eradicate food deserts, one by one, by growing community gardens.
Tell your friends, family, and classmates about this vital issue in our world. When you’re passionate about something, share it with others. Raising one’s awareness helps them see how important it is to take action. And illuminating this important issue helps you take steps to finding sustainable solutions.
We flourish when you DONATE